Category: Illustration

Zoom Background Set Three – Murals of Albuquerque!

Here it is!

The long awaited and much requested final installment of our free Zoom virtual background series… Murals of Albuquerque!

Now you can look like the urban hepcat you know you are, backed by images from our local mural scene complements of and these fine artists.*


* Special thanks to the artists in this series:
Aaron Stromberg
Francisco Díaz
Victor Ving
Lisa Beggs
David Kappy
Jaque Fragua

Introducing the Murals of Albuquerque Zoom Series: announces NEA grant! was just awarded a National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) grant! We are tickled pink to receive national recognition for our grassroots project. Thanks to the grant from NEA we’ve added piles of new murals for your viewing and touring pleasure. And if you know of one we’ve missed, you can let us know through our Submit page.

In addition, is now the outlet to apply for MuraLOVE, an initiative from the City of ABQ Public Arts  Program to paint a bevy of new murals on public buildings in our fair city. You can apply at

If you haven’t checked us out lately, pay us a visit!

Let’s Paint This Town!

Studio Hill Design and are proud to announce MuraLOVE, an initiative to paint 10 new murals on public buildings in Albuquerque! The initiative is sponsored by City of ABQ Public Arts Program and we are partnering with them to launch the call to entries. Just log onto to enter or learn more. Entries are due by March, 16th, 2020. Albuquerque is about to get a lot more colorful!

Studio Hill Design has you covered… in wallpaper.

We wear a lot of hats around here. One of them is Interior Branding*. And one of our favorite elements of Interior Branding is the design of custom wallpaper. From floor to ceiling, we can create custom walls that tell your story.

From maximum impact to subtle nuance, our custom wall treatments make a powerful statement about your business. And beyond walls, we can expand your interior brand into your entire space, immersing all who enter in your unique culture. Our clients have found that letting us create their interiors has improved everything from their bottom line to their employees’ morale.

A first impression is everything. Maximize it.

*Interior Branding tells the story of your company’s brand culture. Your brand’s history, style and vision are illustrated using integrated graphic elements and interior design features. This creates a powerful brand experience for all who enter your space, from customers to employees.

Wallpaper design illustrating the progression of manufacturing history for New Mexico MEP.

The wallpaper at Specialized Trust Services mirrors the “Field Guide”, a promotional book designed by Studio Hill Design.

The inviting break room for employees at Meyners+Company. We named it “Meyners Diner,” and its purpose was to help attract more young recruits into the workforce.

Putting our money where our mouth is, wallpaper in our own office illustrating a quote by Milton Glaser: To design is to communicate clearly through whatever means you can control or master.

Making Impressions In Santa Fe

Branding? Check. Graphic Design? Check. Illustration? Check! We recently delivered a thick stack of these 18×24 posters to The Oldest House Indian Shop in Santa Fe. Also known as The De Vargas Street House, the structure was built in 1646 and is considered one of the oldest in America. Our approach to the subject was to honor the history of the location as well as pay homage to traditional travel posters. Our feeling is that we have hit the mark for both travelers and locals. If you plan to visit Santa Fe, you can expect to come across this image soon. It is an instant classic destined for distribution in many forms. Get to Oldest House asap if you want one from the first printing.

Value of street art recognized and celebrated in Albuquerque

Word gets around. Check out this nice little feature on from our friends down south. It seems even our neighbors appreciate the unique resource that our local artists provide in Albuquerque. Could a MurosRuidoso be on the horizon?

“Albuquerque is an art-filled city, and street art is such an authentic reflection of our heart, soul and people. These pieces deserve our attention.”

Four key factors of life in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Sandy went to Buenos Aires, and all we got was this blog post. Her discovery: The four key factors of life in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


It is celebrated, marginally legal, and everywhere.


Apparently a trend for several years, all the women want to be taller. A lot taller.

#3 — ART

Stunning museums, cultural centers and public art abound.


And the dogs are very cooperative.


Studio Hill Designs for Adventure – An Exciting New Brochure!

Looking for adventure? Look no further than the 44 page guidebook we crafted from the ground up for Specialized IRA Services. This hefty tome is printed on #120 cover and smartly coil bound for quick reference. SIS wanted to target a younger, adventurous demographic who are not afraid to carve their own financial path. This fun-to-read reference book gets them off to a running start.

Studio Hill Brochure Design